



  • MODERN AND ALTERNATIVE METHODS OF DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT!                                           

«Weight Correction»


Rehabilitation, Neuropathology, Rheumatology, Traumatology-Orthopedics, Endocrinology,  Gastroenterology, Cardiology, Nephrology, Neurosurgery, Dermatology-Cosmetology, Preventive medicine, Psychology, Psychotherapy, Dietology-Nutritionology, Osteopathy, Applied Kinesiology, Manual Therapy, Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Kinesiology, Massage, Reflexotherapy, Homeopathy, Speech Therapy.


«Weight correction» Program

To lose weight, no need to diet

but you need to eat right.

     Obesity (lat. Adipositas) – is the deposition of fat, an increase in body weight at the cost to adipose tissue. This is a chronic recurrent metabolic disease that requires long-term treatment, the purpose of which is to reduce morbidity, improve the quality and life expectancy of patients. Obesity is one of the most common chronic diseases in the world. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about 2 billion people on the planet are overweight. The rapid growth in the number of overweight people in the world is considered a real epidemic. The peculiarity of obesity is that it is often combined with severe diseases that lead to a reduction in the life expectancy of patients: type 2 diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, dyslipidemia, atherosclerosis, reproductive dysfunction, malignant neoplasms and diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Risk factors for obesity:Sedentarylifestyle.Geneticpredisposition.Increasedconsumption of easily digestiblecarbohydrates.Endocrinediseases.Eatingdisorders.Chronicstress. Lack of sleep.


   Types of obesity:

  • Bymaletype(type «apple»).
  • According to the femaletype(type «pear»).

   Degrees of obesity:

  • DegreeI– the actualbodyweightexceeds the ideal by nomorethan29%.
  • Degree II – the excessis 30-40%.
  • Degree III – the excessis 50-99%.
  • Degree IV – the actualbodyweightexceeds the idealby100%or


Classification of obesity.

   The classification of obesity is a ranking of the degree of obesity, a medical condition in which excessive accumulation of fat in the body leads to negative health consequences.

   According to the etiological principle: Alimentary-constitutional (the caloric content of food exceeds the energy consumption of the body). Hypothalamic (in diseases of the central nervous system with damage to the hypothalamus). Endocrine (as a symptom of hypothyroidism, hypercorticism, hypogonadism, insulinoma). Iatrogenic (against the background of taking neuroleptics, corticosteroids, antidepressants, etc.).

   According to the type of distribution of adipose tissue:

  • Gynoid(gluteal-femoral).

According to WHO, poor nutrition leads to the development of many chronic diseases, and is one of the main risk factors for chronic metabolic diseases. Metabolic syndrome (syndrome X, insulin resistance syndrome or «The deadly Quartet») is a group of risk factors for cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes mellitus. This is a combination of abdominal obesity and three additional criteria (dyslipidemia, impaired carbohydrate metabolism, arterial hypertension). The presence of obesity increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, malignant neoplasms and sudden death. It is important that obesity risk factors are identified and corrected as early as possible, before they lead to cardiovascular disasters.



Diagnostic algorithm at the «AltMed» Medical Center for Rehabilitation, Preventive and Traditional Medicine — along with general clinical examination of patients, if necessary and according to indications, various methods of laboratory and instrumental examination are prescribed.

   Clinical diagnostics: Determination of BMI (body mass index – body weight in kg / height in m2). Waist circumference measurement (norm: for men – no more than 102 cm; for women – no more than 88 cm). Measurement of hips circumference.


   Laboratory diagnostics: A general blood and urine test. Biochemical blood analysis (glucose, insulin, ALT (Alanine Aminotransferase), AST (Aspartate Aminotransferase), total bilirubin, cholesterol, triglycerides, uric acid, total protein, creatinine, thyroid stimulating hormone, vitamins B12 (cyanocobalamin) and D (cholecalciferol), iron, folic acid).  

   Instrumental diagnostics: Ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland, pelvic organs and abdominal organs. Densitometry («full body» mode) with determination of the «compositional» body composition. Plicometry (determination of the thickness of the skin fold caliper).


X-ray Densitometer «STRATOS» (France)


  Diagnostics using alternative medicine methods are also carried out: VegaTest diagnostics, iridodiagnostics and computer heart rate monitoring, which allow: to assess the functional state of the organism; to determine the factors of genetic predisposition;  determine the level of trace elements, vitamins, hormones, amino acids and enzymes in the organism;  to carry out an individual selection of the medicaments — their effectiveness, compatibility, determination of the optimal dosage, duration of acceptance and possible side effects; to make an optimal selection of food products for a given person, etc.


Due to the fact that obesity syndrome in its manifestations and pathogenesis is a multifactorial process; the use of various methods of therapy is recommended for its correction. With their help, you can influence several links in the pathogenesis of obesity at once: reduce appetite, speed up metabolism and the splitting of dietary fats, help cleanse the intestines, withdrawal excess fluid from the body, improve the flow and renewal of lymph to prevent the development of lipodystrophy (cellulite). The specialists of our «AltMed» Medical Center (nutritionist, endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, rheumatologist, physiotherapist, reflexologist, psychologist, kinesiologist, etc.) implement the treatment program developed by us:

1) selection of an individual diet depending on the degree of excess body weight, the somatic type of the patient, the nature of accompanying diseases and eating habits;

2) psychological correction (rational psychotherapy), which helps to avoid stressful situations and emotional disorders;

3) pharmaceutical therapy (appetite-reducing and energy-increasing medications);

4) non-medicinal therapy(reflexology,physiotherapy,kinesiotherapy,lymphatic drainage massage,etc.).

Correction of primary obesity is the limitation of caloric intake of food and increased physical activity. The basis for the treatment of obesity is a balanced diet: hypocaloric during the period of decline and eucaloric at the stage of maintaining body weight, which provides a sufficient supply of energy, vitamins, enzymes and trace elements. The «AltMed» Medical Center has the appropriate medical licenses, is equipped with the necessary modern equipment and operates within the framework of evidence-based medical science, taking into account the proposals of the World Health Organization (WHO), international and national protocols.


Lymphatic drainage massage.

       The «AltMed» Medical Center has the appropriate medical licenses, is equipped with the necessary modern equipment and operates within the framework of evidence-based medical science, taking into account the proposals of the World Health Organization (WHO), international and national protocols. Almost a quarter of a century of successful work has brought the «AltMed» Medical Center a well-deserved reputation, as we guarantee our patients attention and care, competence and professionalism.


  • Those who take theirhealthseriously come tous;
  • thosewhocouldnot be diagnosedaccurately come tous;
  • thosewhocouldnot be cureddefinitively come to us;

because we know how to prevent
and cure patients with many diseases!

Sign up at the «AltMed» Medical Center for the                       

«Weight correction» Program, as Health

  • is the most valuable thing you have…

In addition, we need to do everything possible                   

to preserve it for many, many years.

Welcome to the Medical Centre «AltMed»!

Address: 0033, Republic of Armenia,

Yerevan, Arabkir, 3/15 H. Hakobyan str.

Phone: + (374-91)-421002; + (374-93)-229292

E-mail: info@altmed.am

Website: http://www.altmed.am

Facebook: altmedcentre/

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