Rehabilitation, Neuropathology, Rheumatology, Traumatology-Orthopedics, Endocrinology, Gastroenterology, Cardiology, Nephrology, Neurosurgery, Dermatology-Cosmetology, Preventive medicine, Psychology, Psychotherapy, Dietology-Nutritionology, Osteopathy, Applied Kinesiology, Manual Therapy, Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Kinesiology, Massage, Reflexotherapy, Homeopathy, Speech Therapy.
The «AltMed» Medical Center for Rehabilitation, Preventive and Traditional Medicine provides complex rehabilitation care to patients using modern and alternative pharmaceutical and non-medicinal treatment methods. Rehabilitation (from Latin. “rehabilitatio” – restoration) is a complex of medical and psychological measures aimed at the complete or partial restoration (compensation) of impaired or lost normal physiological and mental functions of the human organism, due to illness, injury, an acutely developed pathological process or intensification of a chronic one, as well as at preventing and reducing the degree of possible disability, improving the quality of life and conservation of the patient’s working capacity.
Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are one of the leading causes of mortality and disability risk in the world. Rehabilitation after a heart attack and stroke is carried out at any stage of the disease in patients with rehabilitation potential (RP). Rehabilitation potential is a prognosis and diagnostic assessment of a patient’s potential for recovery. RP is based on data on the development of the disease, heredity, patient characteristics (physiological and mental), possible complications and the possibility of recurrence. Rehabilitation of cardiovascular diseases includes examination of the patient, analysis of the results of laboratory and instrumental diagnostics, identification and modification of risk factors, psychological assistance, correction of nutrition and physical activity. Comprehensive rehabilitation and habilitation of cardiovascular diseases is a process that should: begin immediately; continue continuously; be carried out in stages and based on the individual characteristics of the patient.
Patients who have carried from cardiovascular diseases realize clinical diagnosis – assessment of the main disease, accompanying diseases and risk factors. Diagnostic algorithm at the «AltMed» Medical Center — along with general clinical examination of patients according to indications, if necessary, various methods of clinical, instrumental and laboratory examination are prescribed. The «AltMed» Medical Center realizes:
— ENMG (electroneuromyography) diagnostics: determination of the structural and functional state of peripheral nerves and muscles.
— EEG (electroencephalography) diagnostics: electroencephalography of the central nervous system.
— Echocardiography (ultrasound examination of the heart) and Holter monitoring (long-term registration of an electrocardiogram): the study of morphological and functional changes in the heart and its valves.
Duplex scanning of cerebral vessels
— Ultrasonic duplex scanning diagnostics: scanning of brachiocephalic and peripheral arteries and veins.
— Ultrasound diagnostics: sonography of the abdominal cavity and pelvic organs, mammary glands, thyroid gland and joints.
— Osteodensitometry: determination of the degree of osteopenia, osteoporosis and obesity.
— Psychodiagnostics: assessment of the state of the patient’s psychoemotional sphere.
— Speech therapy examination: analysis of speech, voice, reading and writing disorders.
«AltMed» Medical Center is equipped with everything necessary for high-quality rehabilitation after stroke and heart attack. Specialists of our center (neurologist, cardiologist, endocrinologist, psychiatrist, psychologist, psychotherapist, therapist, physiotherapist, chiropractor, acupuncturist, speech therapist, occupational therapist, kinesiologist, massage therapist, etc.) carry out a complex rehabilitation program developed by us after various diseases and operations of the cardiovascular system.
– Pharmaceutical therapy – fighting spasticity, pain syndromes, depression, correction of accompanying diseases, etc.
– Psychotherapy – the correction of cognitive and emotional disorders, the fight against bad habits, cognitive behavioral therapy.
– Speech therapy – the correction of speech disorders.
– Physical rehabilitation – stretching exercises; targeted motor training, including in the format of CI therapy (movement restriction therapy); Bobat therapy; sensory corrections; massage (therapeutic, vibration, acupressure, foot reflexology); soft manual therapy (postisometric relaxation, passive stretching, mobilization techniques); applied kinesiology; kinesiotaping.
– Physiotherapy – functional electromyostimulation (EMS), vibration, laser therapy, pressotherapy, shock wave therapy, hydrotherapy, etc.
– Reflexology – craniopuncture, spot bloodletting, hijama, pharmacopuncture, etc.
– High–tech methods – Biofeedback, Virtual reality, ILS-therapy.
– Non–physical methods of motor rehabilitation – mirror therapy, mental training with the representation of movement.
The «AltMed» Medical Center for Rehabilitation, Preventive and Traditional Medicine is a unique combination of methods of modern and traditional medicine, methods of medicinal and none—medicinal therapy. The Altmed Medical Center, along with the use of various technologies of modern Western science, also uses the centuries-old experience of traditional and alternative medicine: Phytotherapy. Homeopathy. Manual therapy. Osteopathy. Acupuncture. Pharmacopuncture. Ayurveda. Meditation. Yoga. Aromatherapy (treatment with aromatic oils). Hirudotherapy (treatment with a medical leech). Hijama (bloodletting). Apitherapy (treatment with bee products). Clay therapy. etc.
The Altmed Medical Center provides integrative medical care, and for each individual patient, the treatment regimen is developed individually with the selection of medications (taking into account their effectiveness, compatibility, determination of the optimal dosage, duration of administration and possible side effects), and involves the use of exactly those approaches that will ensure the best result. The purpose of treatment is to alleviate, relieve or eliminate the symptoms and manifestations of a particular disease, pathological condition or other disturbance of vital activity, as well as normalize impaired vital processes and restore health. The correction of psychoemotional, biomechanical, biochemical and bioenergetic disorders detected in the patient is also carried out under the control of manual and hardware testing.
In addition to the use of medicines from the arsenal of modern pharmacotherapy, in order to interrupt or slow down the development of the disease by influencing its cause or leading links in pathogenesis, as well as to eliminate its painful or adverse manifestations in The Altmed Medical Center conducts complex etiotropic and pathogenetic therapy using non-drug treatment methods, since with the combined use of various methods of drug and non-drug treatment, the therapeutic possibilities and, accordingly, the effectiveness of treatment increase from two to four times.
Manual therapy
The Altmed Medical Center has the appropriate medical licenses, is equipped with the necessary modern equipment and operates within the framework of evidence-based medical science, taking into account the proposals of the World Health Organization (WHO), international and national protocols. Almost a quarter of a century of successful work has brought the Altmed Medical Center a well-deserved reputation, as we guarantee our patients attention and care, competence and professionalism.
Sign up for the «AltMed» Center of Rehabilitation, Preventive and Traditional Medicine for the «Healthy Lifestyle» Program, since HEALTH is the most valuable thing you have…
And you need to do everything possible to preserve it for many, many years.
Sign up at the Altmed Medical Center for the «REHABILITATION» Program,
as HEALTH is the most valuable thing you have…
In addition, we need to do everything possible to preserve it for many, many years.
Welcome to the «AltMed» Medical Center